50MHz Lunchtime Opening.

Sometimes, the magic band is just that, Magic. I was at home on my lunch break, and VKLogger suggested conditions were good, so i connected the OCF dipole and changed to 50MHz, to discover and work ZL2WHO – Mark in Palmerston on the north island, as well as into Vk5/7/4 and 2.. Not bad for…

Solder burns and other shenanigans

I needed to convert 12v to 8.4v, so went for a drive to the local jaycar and purchased a simple voltage regulator kit. The kits is listed as simple,  and thats a good thing, I haven’t soldered in anger for a number of years, and was a bit (lot) rusty!. The kit simply regulates the…

Radio Mobile Prediction Software

A nifty freeware bit of (windows) software for hams and other radio people is called “Radio Mobile”. This tool allows you to simulate and map predicted coverage of your location using terrain and clutter data and maps expected coverage into google maps. The windows version requires you to source the terrain and clutter data (easy…

Spring VHF/UHF Field Day 2013

This year, I assisted the VK3ER/p (EMDRC) team comprising of Peter – VK3QI, Jack – VK3WWW, Mike VK3AVV and Jonas VK3VF in participating in the Spring 2013 VHF/UHF Field Day. The club has been a very active competitor in this contest over the years, and we have a very good spot at Mclaughlins Lookout near Blackwood…

Baofeng UV-5RE

Ticket Green D43, Green D43, as i quickly check my tickets, I won.. EMDRC club has a raffle each meeting, 3 tickets for $5 with a good selection of items raffled throughout the year typically around the $50 mark. My Prize this time, a cheap and cheerful Baofeng UV-5RE hand held, pre programmed and ham band…

Why I refuse to Re-Join the WIA!

**this is my personal opinion! it’s the internet, personal opinions are freely available on the internet! If you strongly disagree with my personal opinion, please send me $80 and pay for my new first years membership to show me the organisation has or is actually prepared to change 😀 The WIA is more than 100…

Mystical Unicorn DX Wire Ultra Light..

 A couple of years ago one of the Manly Warringah Radio Club members acquired some mystical unicorn DXwire from Germany. This created a heated debate that lasted for months on the merits of this expensive unicorn blood rainbow wire vs cheap and nasty copper from discount electrical suppliers R us. Well, i have just acquired some…

Project Space Balloon 5 – Flight

PSB5 has been flown. The device was launched at around 11:30am north west of Bendigo and  I was able to track the device from around 12:30 when it was heigh enough to be seen from home. The path was very different from that expected when they ran the prediction 2 weeks ago, the device headed…

FT817 Kranker Knob

Everyone kept saying “knob, knob, knob” about my ft817, i didn’t know what they meant, so I googled “817 knob” and discovered the Kranker Knob from the W4RT shop. This store has all kinds of ways for me to spend my money on the FT817! I ordered a knob, just on $30 with postage and exchange…

VK3 Sota “LITE” Introduction

At the November coffee shop meeting for the EMDRC radio club, Marshall, VK3MRG and myself presented on sota, and how to activate sota easily in metro Melbourne The night was aimed at people interested in being an activator but unsure where to start, where the summits were and how simple an activation can be. Marshall…