Quick Mount IC706 Head

Modern cars are fantastic, but not always conducive to mounting radios. Its easy to take to them with a screwdriver, but modern plastic and resale value really takes a whack!, to solve this with my old car and my icom 706 head unit, I looked wider and came up with the below. Taking a screwdriver…

MacloggerDX and its iPad app!!

Being a mac user, the options for ham radio software can be limited, but in recent years the quantity and more importantly the quality of programs available has really increased. My logging program of choice is MacLoggerDX, this nifty native mac app allows logging, spotting, contesting and remote rig control (to my ic9100) http://www.dogparksoftware.com/MacLoggerDX.html Don…

YouKits FG-01 Antenna Analyser

A neat little toy, the Youkits HF antenna analyser, its handy to check the resonance of my antennas’ small, portable and quick!. my version goes from 1-60mhz, and have adjustable tuning control. you can read the manual at http://www.youkits.com/ its pretty simple, and has a built in Li-on battery. this is a version one model, the…

Slow Scan TV test

The MWRS club guys last night emailed around an interest to try Slow Scan TV, not having played SSTV before, I decided to join them and have a play!. we started on 14mhz, but didnt have any luck, so we moved to 7mhz and was able to make/receive pics from Melbourne to Sydney. I used…

PSBPI High Altitude Ham Balloon

In late June, an email arrived on the VK APRS list promoting another High Altitude Ballon Launch, this time from Bendigo (central Victoria). run by the http://projectspaceballoon.net/ guys!. The Launch was slated for midday Saturday July 6th (what a nifty birthday pressie for me!), a small balloon carrying a Raspberry PI payload with Camera and LIPD 434mhz…

PicoHorus 3 HAM Balloon

PicoHorus 3 was a small balloon launched from near Adelaide on June 15th. The ballon headed east slowly and was tracked for many hours as it travelled around 20km above the earth. The Balloon and payload was made by Mark VK5QI details of the payload on marks site. I had been out during the day, but when…

WSPR Test 432Mhz

Tonight Leigh vk2krr and vk3smc and myself played WSPR on 432mhz. 330km path. Not bad for a verticle in my backyard. 🙂