Sota Activation – Mt Buninyong VK3/VC-018

Sunday 19th was the Ballarat Ham radio clubs annual Hamfest!. I had walked past an item at the event last year and regretted it, so packed up the car and grabbed my big child Nathan, and we went for a daddy/son day out – road trip – Hamfest – Sota Activation!. Nathan had a busy…

Strange link dipole shenanigans?

Help!!!.. In the true spirit of this page, i installed a poorly built antenna on the weekend, and I don’t know why? I got the courage to cut my unicorn blood DX wire, and began the process of making a link dipole. Followed the guides form all the normal places, VK3ZPF and VK3PF and the Sotabeams Calculator among many. I built…

Icom IC-706Mk2G Remote Head Latch Repair

I was cleaning up the other day and found my old Icom IC-706Mk2G radio. It had been in a box since semi retirement a while ago when I upgraded the radio in the car! It still gets used from time to time, camping and portable (non sota) and for vhf/uhf field days and contests, but…

Summits of the ANDREW!

From the Sota Australia Email list! “”1NAM and 1MBE, 2FAJG running QRP, 1DA, 5LA plus 3BQ These are a few of the SOTA Andrews””   With apologies to Rodgers, Hammerstein and all of Maria’s favourite things. **Stolen from Andrew, VK3ARR 🙂

SOTA Shack Sloth!

Over the weekend, I passed 1000 chaser points and became a SOTA Shack Sloth! Thanks to everyone who has spent time on mountains to make this possible! Now to order the nice trophy!.

Sota Activation – VK5/SE-005 Mt Lofty

We headed into Adelaide today from the farm to explore the sights and I had a chance to activate a summit on my way into town. Mt Lofty VK5/SE-005 sits above Adelaide and has the towns Radio and TV transmitters. at the summit proper is a lookout/cafe/shop tourist place. We drove up into the carpark…

Tuning the dipole using the 1:1 Balun

I had some time yesterday afternoon to tune up the wire i am using with the 1:1 Balun dipole project. I set myself up outside and ran out the dipole as I would deploy it for a SOTA activation. The antenna was too long as expected given how I had cut the wire!   I started…

1:1 Current Balun

To Balun or Not to Balun, this is the question? Like Ford vs Holden, Canon vs Nikon or Yaesu vs Icom; the world is divided into two camps on how best to connect a resonate wire antenna to a bit of coax. Until now, my dipole had been direct connected. and this had worked as…