Endless cloudy nights over the last couple of months have really limited my ability to capture any astro photos, and the handful of clear nights have seen me busy/unprepared, or aligning with a full moon. But back in Feb/March 2024, I was able to capture some data on the the Statue of Liberty Nebula (known and NGC 3576) The below version is a Hubble palette narrowband (SHO) version from my bottle 6 mount Waverley backyard using my ZWO ASI533MM, 7nm Optolong filters and my Skywatcher Esprit100 scope.
NGC 3576 is a bright emission nebula in the Sagittarius arm of the galaxy a few thousand light-years away from the Eta Carinae nebula. It is also approximately 100 light years across and 9000 light-years away from Earth